Sunday, November 15, 2015

Dude, Really?

Since no one else will talk to him, let me address this big elephant in the room taking up all of this space.  Listen, just because it is now easy to do so does not mean that you should.  I know that some of you are asking what while the others are already applauding.  Although it is a good thing, but the ease of digital music distribution are mudding up the waters and my ears. 

With the creation of such sites and services as TuneCore, Createspace, CD Baby, and others like them have done more than to give talented artists an outlet and a tool to express themselves to their minions in a broad, but inexpensive, matter.  But, watch closely, evil lurks.

I dont know about you, but I am sick and tired of all the BS links to music, video, and other material that I receive via social media.  I mean, Im no hater, but if you have to know that your music is garbage.  I know that everyone has a God given and Constitution backed right make whatever garbage music that they want to create, but give me a break.  I find myself asking, Do these people even have friends? You know, the one who will tell you Hey dude, that music is garbage.

But, still I have to realize that I dont know everything.  Who am I to tell someone what to create even if I know that they have no talent?  I mean, it is just so easy now to take a product to the market.  Long gone are the days when the gatekeepers controlled the flow of materials.  Long gone are the days when the cost to produce a record rivaled the price of a four-bedroom room home. But, I guess that is a good thing.  But dude, if you send me one more link, Im going to take your SoundCloud and You get the picture.  I hope. 

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