Sunday, February 28, 2016


Mastery: Personal Development and Leadership 
Starting at Full Sail was a high point of my life.  Finally, I was able to attend the school of my dreams and start my journey to greatness within the entertainment community.  The first course was, I guess, sort of a primer or indicator of what was to come.  From the beginning Mastery became my blueprint of how I would design and maintain my study schedule.  Working full-time and being a graduate student all while maintaining and providing for the “perfect” family is a stressful undertaking.  Mastery helped me to prepare for that major shift
What I learned in Mastery I used and applied to, not just my school affairs, but work and home as well.  One of the most influential conversations that helped me make it through was with my first professor.  I was down and unsure about my decision to pursue my graduate degree.    What she told me was very simple, but it made all of the difference with my journey.  She stated simply that “well, since you started, you might as will finish it.”  Classic
Executive Leadership
I must admit, It kind of hard to actually remember this class.  I’m not suggesting that this class did not make an impact on my studies, but it was not one of my favorite classes.  So, anything that I say about this class would be a fabrication.  As a trained journalist who takes ethics seriously, I will not compromise my integrity. 
Project and Team Management
Now, finally to the meat and potatoes.  I was very excited to begin this class.  This was a subject that I could use within my field.  Not just in my future career, but I could use at that present time.  During this class, I was the Athletic Video Coordinator for Savannah State University.  Working at a Historically Black College or University with limited funds meant that I was running a department that should have been staffed with at least three to four individuals along.  However, due to my standing at the school and I was sort of a legend in the Mass Communication program because of my talent in video and audio production, a great number of student sought to work with me.  So, I had about 10 – 12 full-time student interns.  Although I managed others before, managing others within my profession with a mid-major Division – 1 athletic program was a big deal.
I learned in this class that there was more to my job than just shooting videos.  I was actually dealing with, or supposed to be dealing with project and team management.  My problem was that most of my interns were my friends and I had not learned to separate the job and friends.  I had a team that I had to manage and projects that needed to be done professionally. This class helped me to learn and apply time management and how to plan a project from beginning to end.  But, most importantly, it taught me how to delegate and how to train my team and trust them to do the job.  Putting the best person in position to get the job done is key even if that meant being lead by them.  A very hard lesson indeed.
Business Storytelling & Brand Development
I had very little knowledge of branding before this class.  I was not clueless, but I was focused on the wrong things.  I actually thought that I could dictate and influence I wanted others to think about my product.  Well, maybe a little, but in general there is more to it than just that.
The major lesson in this course was “your brand is NOT what you think or say it is, your brand is what others think or say it is.”  WOW, this concept blew me away.  Instantly, it changed the way that I approached my products.  I learned and apply the rules on logos and color.  I never knew that color was a major tell in brands.  I can remember the TEDTALK assignment and what I learned from it.  The successful brands all have a powerful story.  All brands has a who, what, and how.  But, the truly successful companies all have a WHY.  And, it is the WHY that is most important
Entertainment Business Finance
OK, this course was NOT fun for me.  How I made it is still a huge question in my mind.  I’ll say this, I HATE MATH.  Again, I HATE MATH.  But, surprisingly, this course was not all math.  It was loaded with information that I really needed to know.  Now, I have a working knowledge of finance, but I’m still hring an accountant.
I have already used this course in my professional career.  In my position as a department head, I had to budget and justify all monies used by my department.  I had to show returns in regards to our weekly coaches’ shows in relation to what was being spent.  I had to do all of this in a timely and professional matter.
Negotiation and Deal-Making
I really enjoyed the role-playing exercises in this course.  They allowed me to actually place myself in a simulated business deal.  Getting the most bang for the buck is paramount to success in the entertainment industry.  The video project with the tennis player was a good learning tool.  It showed that all the little things are important too.
As an artist manager, which I am now that I have signed on to manage former national recording artist looking for a career resurgence, negotiating is something that I will be doing every day.  Enough can not be said about the importance of a properly made deal.  It is the difference in being in the red or in the black.  What I enjoyed the most is learning about game theory.  Up until this class I knew nothing about.  This is a definite plus.
Product and Artist Management
This was by far my favorite class.  This is because artist management is what I really want to do within the industry.  The thing is, I used to be an artist myself until I met other artists that were immensely more talented than myself.  This is not what deterred me from pursuing a career as an artist.  It was actually other artists that took note of how I conducted business.  So, they were asking me to assist them.  And, just like that, I found my true calling. 
The thing that stuck out with me about this course was studying successful artist managers.  These were the movers and shakers that really made that industry fluid.  Nothing could happen without them.  One of my favorite managers of all time is Sean “Puffy” Coombs.  I followed his career since he cornered Andre Harrell in an elevator and by the time they got to floor where Uptown Record was housed, Puffy was the National Director of A&R.  This is my calling.  I truly believe, and this sounds arrogant but so be it, that I am just as good, if not better, as Puffy.  My investor calls me a talent magnet because of the top level talent that I produce and record in my studio.
Advanced Entertainment Law
Important. Important. Important.  This was hands down the most important class that I took.  Knowing what can and cannot be done is the difference between success and failure.  I actually want to be an entertainment lawyer.  But, now I’m so burned out that I don’t think I’ll do it.  But, I always have been a fan of the law.  I keep myself current on the old and new laws.  As an avid reader and news junkie, I tend to favor books and articles discussing legal issues.  For this class, I was already read up and waiting to jump it.
Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution
I was ready for this class because I was interested in publishing because I am planning to add a publishing company to my current dealings. And, I am also a member of BMI.  As far as distribution goes, I already have knowledge of this subject having worked with independent artists and labels.  This is class was a great source of information that I did not have a full understanding of.
The lessons from this class are being used every day by my team tasked with the re-structuring of my investor’s current company.  We are filing trademarks and copyrights currently and plan to move on to running our own indie label within the next two years.  Until then, we are using every channel of distribution that we can to get our product to the market.  A couple of those outlets I borrowed from this course
Digital Marketing
This is another important course that I was not too friendly with.  I mean, I know and appreciate the importance of marketing.  Without it you’re just shooting in the dark.  But, marketing not what I like to do every day.  However, I learned a lot about the subject and can how an intelligent and knowledgeable conversation about it.  I can guide my clients through it because it was something that I had to take seriously.
What I learned was kind of amazing actually.  My favorite was Key Performance Indicators.  To be honest, there is something sexy about KPIs.  I think because KPIs reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your selected campaign.  By paying attention to KPIs, you allow yourself to be able to adjust your marketing campaign as needed.  However, I will HAVE to hire a professional.  But, I will stay in the loop.  I have the knowledge to understand it now. 

Business Plan Development and Final Project Business Plan
Forgive me if I go off of script and lump these two courses together.  But, this is the industry and I’ve learned from this program sometimes you have to go against the grain.  Or, it’s like my Intro to Film professor used to say, “to break the rules, you have to know the rules.”  Basically, you need to know how to break the rules.  There is a right way.  This class scared me to death, but it was the one that I looked forward to taking the most.  My investor gave me a project.  He said that if I wanted the money to do my thing, I had to write a viable business plan to do so.  Problem was, I did not know how.  These classes saved me.  I gave him my project and he was impressed.  Although this is not the final plan, my class project is the core of what we are doing.  I am currently revising the plan to totally fit our vision.  And in two weeks, we have an appointment with an area bank to secure the funds needed to make this transition.  THIS IS SUCCESS for me.  Full Sail has been one of the best experiences of my life.  When I finally physically hold my degree,  I will have to try not to cry.  I won’t try to hard, however.
Thank you FULL SAIL.