Sunday, October 4, 2015


I can remember certain childhood games that I used to play such as hide and seek and even running races with my friends.  They all started off with READY, SET, GO!  Life was so simple back then.  Fast forward to present day and things become a little more cloudy.    He I am ready and set to kick off my career as a entertainment professional.  The day that I have dreamed about for ages.

Get READY - So, I've sold myself and ideas to a successful entertainment practitioner willing to invest and MERGE his business interest into my own.

Get SET - I've gathered the human assets needed and I have the business plans and other concerns in place.


Is it fear of the unknown that has me frozen in place?  Or, am I so overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of what I am attempting that my though process has come to a stand still.  Or, maybe I am just overloading myself with too much information.

Starting a recording label is a daunting task even if you have the best talent available.  They are still other factors to consider.  The Internet is flooded with numerous with websites explaining in detail various methods of starting independent record labels.  The information that these sites provide is priceless, and truthful, worthless.  What most of these website do not include is a the human element.

More important than any techno or business jargon is the ability of the human component to skillfully wade the waters full of both sharks and minnows.  Both of which are very important to the success of any business structure.  The purpose of this post is not to instruct anyone on how to become a "go-getter", but to inspire one to do a little soul searching to see if you really want to lead a caravan down this road.  Or, would you be better off following.  This journey is NOT for the meek.

HOW TO START A RECORD LABEL. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2015.