Sunday, May 3, 2015

Interview with TJ

I have been working in and around the entertainment industry for over 20 years.  Nothing too major, just small to medium sized projects here and there.  During this time I was lucky enough to meet an amazing young man by the name of TJ Turmon who runs an independent entertainment outfit by the name of SouthStarr Entertainment.  He company is currently a regional entity, however with his work ethic and talents, it will not be that way for long.  TJ is sitting on the edge of greatness and for this reason his ability to negotiate is very important.  He currently has two artists on his roster that are currently touring the southeast opening for various artists.  I talked to TJ to get his take and experience with negotiation tactics in the entertainment industry. 
Question 1.  How often do you negotiate? 
TJ - "Constantly.  As a small fish in a big pond, I find it nessacary to fight for my position in every business deal that I go into.  It's hard asking for the things you need when the bigger companies view you as small potatoes." 
Question 2. What tactics to you use and how did you learn them? 
TJ - "As far as tactics, I really don't know what you would call them, but I use the ones that works for me. I just know that whatever I ask for at the table has to be something that other side needs as well.  Or, something that they can actually see the need for." 
Question 3. Can I get an example of that? 
TJ - "Well, I can't ask a promoter for $5,000 for one of my clients to perform.  Because at that rate they can go and get someone with a better fan base.  They would end their need for me.  I guess you can call that being realistic." 
Question 4.  Have you ever had a time where you or someone else used a dirty trick? 
TJ - "No, not really.  The thing is that if you want to be successful in this game, you can't go around making a bad name for yourself.  Now, I have made a deal that was pretty messed. But, that's the price of business." 
Question 5. What tips can you offer someone looking to fill your shoes? 
TJ - "In negotiating the key is to know what you want.  But, the lock is to also know what you are really going to get."