Sunday, January 11, 2015

Jay-Z said WHAT????

Jay-Z said what!?!?!?!?  How in the hell did he fix his mouth to even say this?  He must be smoking that dope he raps about.  Hold up.  On the other hand, he just may be right.  Let’s examine what he said.   In an interview on Oprah Winfrey’s OWN Network and reported by, Jay-Z commented, “I think that hip hop has done more for racial relations than most cultural icons. Save Martin Luther King, because his dream speech we realized when President Obama got elected.”  Whoa!!! That’s a major statement. As a matter of fact, this statement has seen it’s shared of rebuttal across social media.  In spite of the backlash, it is the opinion of this writer this statement has a valid point.  However, to understand this one must fully understand the history, progression, and the importance of African-American culture to the creation, and success, of American Pop Culture.  An informed individual could also make the correlation that American Pop Culture is African-American culture.  Well, at least when it comes to American music.  Follow the path of African-American music from the shores of West Africa with the rhythmic drums, poly stringed instruments and horns as it is transported to the Americas.  Here, the slaves incorporated it into their field songs.  Skip ahead to Post bellum America where it continue to dominate the entertainment scene at the minstrel shows and so forth.  Continue to the Jazz and Big Band era.  Keep going all the way to today.  Black music has influenced all American music from country to blues to rock and roll and, of course, Hip-Hop.

Music has always found a way to bring people that have nothing in common together.  So, what Jay-Z said is correct although lacking the full progression.  This bridge was not built over night.  Hip-Hop has served to unite people through culture and understanding.  Imagine being at a Jay-Z concert and every other person is white.  And, it’s fun.  And, it’s dynamic.  And, it’s all good.